Research Integrity & Safety Support Services
Biosafety Training
The ԹϺ considers the security of UGA personnel, students, visitors and the general community to be of the utmost importance and safety a critical component of good research practices.
The Office of Biosafety endeavors to provide this care through the appropriate training of personnel and students in order to meet this University’s commitment and to comply with local, state and federal regulations.
Mandatory Training
To provide the highest quality of protection, the following mandatory courses/forms are required for those working in the following areas:
Any biohazard:
- Principal Investigator must complete training and document with form for each individual working within the laboratory.
Blood, body fluids, tissues or human cell lines or other potentially infectious materials:
: All lab personnel working with the above materials are required to complete bloodborne pathogens training once per year. This training is available on and is titled “UGA Right to Know: Bloodborne Pathogen Training.
BSL3 or Select Agents:
- Agent-specific training as determined by UGA’s Responsible Official. Contact Patrick Stockton at
Recommended Training
“Biosafety Basics for the Laboratory” – This in-person training is intended for both new and experienced individuals working in a BSL-1 or BSL-2 laboratory. It is highly recommended that all persons receive this training prior to beginning work in the laboratory.
BSL-1 and BSL-2 online training: These courses are available through the .
Biosafety in Microbiology Teaching Labs
- This course provides fundamental information for those students working or learning in microbiology teaching laboratories. The course will be assigned by your instructor and they will provide access information if you must complete this training. Once assigned, this training is available on your Student e-Learning Commons (eLC) account.
Additional Opportunities
- Laboratory Operations Reviews and assistance with Waste Solution Assessments, free-of-charge
- Animal Biosafety Training Program and Certification provided by the AALAS Learning Library, in coordination with the American Biological Safety Association (ABSA), the Elizabeth R. Griffin Foundation, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is available through the
- on Animal Biosafety Levels and Risk Management
- Training on Biological Safety Cabinets, Autoclave Operation or Sharps Safety
- Guidance on shipping of biohazardous materials or applying for USDA permits
- Additional specialized training as requested
For additional information about course requirements, please contact Support Services at For issues related to PEP access and navigation, please contact the PEP Helpdesk at